Dr. Debra Majeed Scholarship Application

The merit-based essay scholarship is established to encourage Muslim Americans to pursue higher education. Dr. Debra Majeed always encouraged the pursuit of higher education and community service, and this scholarship will recognize students with the potential to continue in her legacy.

“I want to leave a legacy. I want people to know I was here. I want to be engaged in activity that brings life, love and education into other people’s lives. I want to leave something that makes the world a better place.” — Dr. Debra Majeed
📋 Scholarship Application

Eligibility & Requirements

The Dr. Debra Majeed Fund may award three types of scholarships annually;

Scholarships are granted without regard to the applicant's ethnicity or gender, although efforts will be made to ensure equity and fairness is given with regard to the distribution of funds.

Scholarship for Entering College Freshmen
  • Graduating high school Seniors
  • GPA of 3.0 or better
  • Entering Freshmen in the academic year
Continuing Education Scholarship
  • Currently enrolled in undergraduate or graduate school
  • GPA of 2.5 or higher
  • Fall or Spring academic year
Technical or Trade School Scholarship
  • Entering or currently enrolled in a Technical or Trade School
  • GPA of 2.5 or higher
  • Fall or Spring academic year

Scholarship Award Amount

The total award is $1,000. Award amounts may be up to the full award amount, based on the quality of the application. Once recipients are selected, and final documentation complete, a check will be mailed to each awardee, made out to their respective institutions. The award is to be used for educational purposes only. The award is not renewable.

Personal Information

Guardian Information #1

Guardian Information #2

Educational Background

Extra-Curricular, Community, & Civic Involvement

Please list any clubs, organizations, volunteer work, or community activities you are currently involved in or have participated in. This includes school clubs, sports teams, volunteer work, community service, and any other relevant extracurricular or civic engagements. 

Honors and Awards

Please list any academic, extracurricular, or community honors and awards you have received. Include the name of the award, the organization or institution that granted it, and the year it was awarded.

Essay Questions

Write a response to ONE of the following essay questions. The Dr. Debra Majeed Scholarship essay should be at least 300 words, but no more than 500 words. Any submissions outside of these parameters will not be considered.

1. In what way has the life of Dr. Debra Majeed impacted you? What does it mean to you to be a part of her legacy? (Google her!)

2. How do you define servant leadership? Describe your journey to becoming a servant leader, and your contributions as a leader, in serving your local masjid, community, school, club, team, family, etc.? What was the impact of your contributions?

3. What is your vision for your future as an advocate for your community? How do you plan to continue or advance any efforts in which you have participated?

Instructions for Uploading Essay

  • File Naming: Name your file as FirstName_LastName_Essay.
  • Accepted File Types: Only PDF and Word documents (.pdf or .docx) are accepted.

Instructions for Uploading Acceptance Letter or Proof of Enrollment

  • File Naming: Name your file as FirstName_LastName_Acceptance (High Schoolers) or FirstName_LastName_Enrollment (College Students).
  • Accepted File Types: Only PDF and Word documents (.pdf or .docx) are accepted.

Instructions for Uploading Transcipts

      • Accepted File Types: Only PDFs (.pdf) are accepted.
      • Transcript Requirements: The transcript must be an official copy provided directly by your high school, university, or college. It should include your full academic history and be issued by the institution.

Letters of Recommendation

  • Masjid Representative or Community Member:

    • Provide one letter of recommendation from a Masjid representative or a member of the Masjid community.
    • The letter should include the writer's full name, their relationship to you, and their contact information.


  • General Community Member:

    • Provide one letter of recommendation from a community member, such as a principal, counselor, teacher, professor, club sponsor, coach, or similar individual.
    • The letter should include the writer's full name, their role, and their contact information.

Instructions for Submitting Letters of Recommendation

  • File Naming: For the Masjid representative or community member letter: FirstName_LastName_MasjidRecommendation. For the general community member letter: FirstName_LastName_CommunityRecommendation.

  • Accepted File Types: Only PDF and Word documents (.pdf or .docx) are accepted.

GPA Certification

Guidance Counselor/Advisor or Principal must certify student’s Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) on a 4.00 scale or school applicable grading system.

Instructions for Completing the GPA Certification Section

You have two options for completing the GPA Certification section of the application:

  • Printed Form Submission:

    • 1. Download and print the GPA Certification form provided in this application.
    • 2. Have your guidance counselor, advisor, or principal complete and sign the form.
    • 3. Submit the completed form along with your application by uploading it as a PDF.
  • Electronic Form Submission:

    • Share the electronic GPA Certification form link provided in this application with your guidance counselor, advisor, or principal.
    • They can complete and submit the form electronically.

Required Documents Checklist

Please ensure all the necessary documents are included before submitting your scholarship application. 

Copy of Acceptance or Proof of Enrollment
Typed Essay
Recommendation letter from a Masjid representative or community member
Recommendation letter from a community member (e.g., principal, counselor, teacher, professor, club sponsor, coach)

Student Certification

I certify that the information provided on this application is accurate and has not been falsified. I understand that any misleading information will automatically disqualify me from consideration of any scholarship offered by the Dr. Debra Majeed Foundation.

Sign Here
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